Dev’s Field Trip
I was happy to go to Devon’s field trip with him, though I wish I had brought my real camera (thank you Sabra for watching Bailey)! There is just something about watching my kids get so excited to ride the[Read More…]
Our sweet family and life adventures.
By Christie
I was happy to go to Devon’s field trip with him, though I wish I had brought my real camera (thank you Sabra for watching Bailey)! There is just something about watching my kids get so excited to ride the[Read More…]
By Christie
After the library we headed to the lake to feed ducks and read our books. I cannot tell you how much I love warmer weather. I just feel like there is SO much more to do with my kids! I[Read More…]
By Christie
Dillon had to stay with Bailey in her primary class because she’s been having a hard time with going. The topic was animals. They talked about a lot of different animals and then her teacher asked, "Are we animals?[Read More…]
By Christie
Bailey got her dress and bubbles, Devon got a Star Wars shirt and a butterfly net, Carson got a bug cage thing and an Angry Birds shirt. And of course they all got a chocolate bunny! Of course the kids[Read More…]
By Christie
I made the kids the tie and bowtie and the tiny clip for Bailey’s hair. Easy peasy this year. Bailey’s dress I would have loved to make, but saw this at Old Navy and decided that would be her Easter[Read More…]
By Christie
By Christie
Yah, that’s Bailey jumping on the trampoline, holding her underwear she was once wearing. Notice the boys plugging their noses? Not that she stunk, they just thought it was gross. Agreed. But we also all thought it was funny.
By Christie
Dillon was playing his guitar before singing in Tooele, and Bailey was downstairs listening to him. She came running up, without a word to anyone, went in her room, and came back downstairs with her little guitar and strummed away!