Opening for David Nail
Dillon’s band got to open for David Nail at the Complex downtown. It was a great show (do I sound like a broken record)—they are getting really good with their stage presence!
Our sweet family and life adventures.
By Christie
Dillon’s band got to open for David Nail at the Complex downtown. It was a great show (do I sound like a broken record)—they are getting really good with their stage presence!
By Christie
By Christie
Funniest thing of the night: Bailey opening her eyes super wide each time she took a drink of her hot chocolate. I don’t even think she realized she was doing it, but I looked over and she did it over[Read More…]
By Christie
I’m not doing very well at remembering things that the kids have said!!! I even took little notes on papers and then couldn’t remember what the key words were supposed to mean! I need to do better! The boys were[Read More…]
By Christie
(one post a day is my goal. I have so much catching up to do!) The kids and I have been a couple times now to the tennis courts. Carson’s soccer practice was right next to some, so while Carson[Read More…]
By Christie
By Christie
By Christie
It was sad to me when Carson graduated from Kindergarten because it meant he’d be gone even longer once first grade rolled around. I have the same feelings now with Devon! It’s just SO LONG to be away from home! [Read More…]