This Saturday!

This Saturday there is a fundraiser in Riverton for a woman who has a rare form of breast cancer. Here is the information on the flyer we have: “In June, Julie, a 33 year old m other of two (ages[Read More…]
Our sweet family and life adventures.
By Christie
This Saturday there is a fundraiser in Riverton for a woman who has a rare form of breast cancer. Here is the information on the flyer we have: “In June, Julie, a 33 year old m other of two (ages[Read More…]
By Christie
Hey all, wanna help one of my bestest friends win $1000? Dezi‘s son Easton is a finalist in a Trix contest. His laugh at the end cracks me up, and makes him the best out of the 10 anyways:). It[Read More…]
By Christie
In case you can’t tell, it’s his friend Reagan, in a swimsuit and he is as well. He’s saying, “Kiss Me” and Reagan is saying, “OK”.
By Christie
So, the past couple days I’ve been thinking, “Man, our house just stinks!” Seriously, it did, and it just kept getting worse and worse. So, I look everywhere for the culprit, something like a wet rag or food left somewhere[Read More…]
By Christie
Bright colors and flowers.
By Christie
Remember my friends who were calling for donations? Well, it’s time for their yard sale! Brittney and Morgan are great people! Here’s the info for the yard sale: “We need EVERYONE who reads this to immediately copy and paste it[Read More…]
By Christie
Our town (city? What is it???) had their little celebration this past Saturday. It was a fun day, filled with cardboard boat races, gyros, cotton candy, car show, sailboats, inline skate competitions, getting a sweet deal on those crocheted cowgirl[Read More…]
By Christie
He was too shy to sing last week, but I finally got him to sing his version of We Will Rock You. If you notice, he sings, “You got blood on your face, a big ol’ scrape…”Funny huh.